David Bellamy Gold Award

March 26, 2019
David Bellamy Gold Award

We are honoured to received the 2018/2019 David Bellamy Gold Award for conservation! 

You have probably noticed the little badge displaying on our website for the past few months, but what is a David Bellamy Conservation Award? 

From the David Bellamy website

How are the awards judged?

The parks that take part in the scheme are all regularly assessed by the scheme’s team of local wildlife experts. The assessors look at the steps parks are taking to:

  • Manage their land as a haven for wildlife
  • Reduce their use of energy, water and other resources
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle the waste they produce
  • Support their local communities

David Bellamy uses the assessors’ reports (and any comments received from members of the public) to make his awards each year. Three levels of excellence can be achieved: Gold, Silver and Bronze.

What will an award winning park be like?

Amongst the award winners you’ll find a wide range of parks: From peaceful, hideaway places, where you’ll be able to enjoy a real ‘back-to-nature’ holiday experience; to larger ‘leisure parks’, where you and your family will be able to enjoy more facilities, along with the knowledge that the park you’re visiting is committed to environmental excellence.

Whichever one you choose you can pat yourself on the back, safe in the knowledge that you’ve made a greener choice – and that you’ll have a holiday full of natural enjoyment.